Saturday, January 15, 2011

How to Extend the Life of Pressure Washers

Keeping your pressure washer in good working order will extend its useful life and give you more hours of cleaning time for your money. Proper maintenance of pressure washers is important and should be performed on a regular basis to extend the unit's life and ensure efficiency. Pump maintenance is vital to your pressure washer's life, as is regular care of the engine. Hoses and trigger guns should be regularly inspected and maintained as well to ensure long service and safe handling.

Run the engine with the throttle at a medium speed to provide adequate power to the pump, avoiding premature pump wear. Lower the pressure by changing tips or adjusting pressure settings rather than lowering engine speed.

Check the O-rings and screens on the water intake valve, hose, and wand connections. Clean the screens and replace any leaky or broken O-rings.

Change the pressure washer's pump oil on a regular schedule, around every three months or 250 hours of use. Fill with DP70 pump oil according to the pump manufacturer's specifications.

Clean and check the condition of the injector tube filter. Replace if broken or cracked. Run clean water through the injector and tube after each use to clean detergent and chemicals from the system.

Change the engine oil on a regular basis--about every six months or 100 hours of use. Fill with 10W-30 oil according to the engine manufacturer's specifications.

Squeeze and release the trigger on the trigger gun while running pressure washer to check trigger's spring mechanism. Check for leaks and loose connections that would prevent proper trigger valve shutoff.

Check engine and pump oil levels before each use. Top off with recommended oil if necessary.

Sunday, November 28, 2010

How to Replace Pressure Washer Parts in a Simoniz

Simoniz pressure washer parts are acquired from two different countries, the U.S.A. and Canada, depending on the particular Simoniz pressure washer model. While acquiring parts for Simoniz pressure washers that were made in Canada is difficult, acquiring parts for Simoniz pressure washers that were made in the U.S.A is easy. Even if you don't know the name of the part that you need to replace, looking it up on the Simoniz website is as much a cinch as ordering them.

Look for the model number on the Simoniz pressure washer for which you're replacing parts.

Go to Simonizusa dot com and enter the site through the "Consumer" link on the home page. Click the "Pressure Washer" link in the header, once you're on the next page.

Click the "Pressure Washer Units" link in the sidebar, once you're brought to the next page. Identify the model number for the Simoniz pressure washer unit for which you're replacing parts.

Click the "Replacement Parts" link in the sidebar of the page. Match the replacement part to the pressure washer model. Add the replacement part to the "Cart," purchase it and follow the directions for shipping the replacement part to you.

Call Simoniz USA with the replacement part model number, purchase it and have the replacement part shipped to you. Call the toll free number to Simoniz in Canada, if you don't see the Simoniz pressure washer model on the Simoniz USA website.